Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My nieces Soccer Game.

Okay well just had to tell you all about my niece Aliyah.
She is four years old and this is her very first year to play soccer. The team she is on is the Lady Bugs and the colors are red and black. So cute right?
Well I finally was able to go to her game last Saturday with my boyfriend Drake. We both were actually off work for once, wow! She scored three times and her team won 5-1. I am very proud of her. She has grown up so fast!! It's hard to imagine our life without her and my niece Aubry. They are my world. && My sister is expecting her third child soon. We are not sure what she is having though. Keeping our fingers crossed for a boy!!!
Here are some photos..
^^ Drake, Me, my brother-in-law Tommy (Coach), && Aliyah.
^^ Drake and myself.

^^ Aliyah (left) and her friend Kyse(right)

^^ Go Aliyah!!

^^ Aliyah Janel Faith-- ready to play!

^^My boyfriend Drake, Me && Aliyah

^^ Me with the love of my life. (notice his sticker Aliyah gave him?? lol)

1 comment:

  1. Drake looks like a great guy. Your niece is so cute also! Fun times.
