Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just starting out.

This is my first blog post on here, I decided to make it out of boredom and plan to update as much as possible.
My life has been crazy this year, February my mom moved out and filed for divorce. My parents were married almost 21 years. It took us all by surprise, including my dad. My little sister, who is also my best friend moved out with her. I am living with my dad until May or June of 2010 then I am moving out and going to college. I am trying to get over the hurt of the situation, I still have my days though. It's hard seeing my mom. You see I was homeschooled since the 7th grade. I am 16 years old but I graduated in January of 2009, two years early. I worked extremely hard for that and I am proud of myself. My mom and sister were my best friends, we spent everyday together until they moved. To keep myself busy I spend much of my time working at the local quick stop, (small town does not offer much when it comes to jobs). Or I am with my boyfriend and family. It's still hard being at home due to the fact that it gets lonely alot.

Well, enough of that :) I know it was intense to post that but it helps to explain how I live my life now. I am trying to start making soap as my hobby, and hoping it turns into profit. Any advice would be very much appreciated!!

These past few days the weather has been cool. Right now it is 74 outside, which is sooo much better than 100 degrees like it has been. I am very excited for Fall but not so much for Winter. We had a "blizzard" which gave us over 17 in. overnight. It was the most snow this part of Oklahoma has ever seen. It caved in alot of building though and alot of people,including myself, were stranded at other places because no one could get out to get the roads cleared. We had drifts up to 6ft blocking the door that we all had to dig out of. It was crazy. Since then I don't care to ever see snow again,LOL.

Well, it's a random post with different subjects. I promise my next one later tonight will be much better :).

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