Friday, October 16, 2009

My Grandpa shot by his Foster Child Early this morning.

Okay I went to bed at 2:15am. My dad came and woke me up at 3:30am to tell me that my grandpa has been shot in the chest and we need to get to the hospital. I freaked out. I was shaking && crying. I felt like we couldn't get there fast enough. He was in the hospital 45 min. from my town. It was foggy so we had to drive 55. I continued to pray for him and for us to fly like angels. That was the longest drive to woodward you could ever imagine.We get to the emergency room, they had been working on him for awhile but he was stable enough that we could see him. I still have the imagine of running in there and seeing him lying on the bed with the blood still on him . When he grabbed my hand he smiled and said it's okay babygirl I'm okay. He was even telling jokes.The bullet missed all major organs. He broke 3 ribs and the bullet is still lodged in his chest. The terrifying part is he was shot by his own foster child whom he has had for over 4 years. They even had adopted her. They had a new girl they had for maybe 4 months. She was behind all of it.Ashley went into the bedroom when my grandparents were asleep and shot my grandpa in the chest. My grandma jumped out of bed screamed and was horrified. She went for the phone, Ashley screamed at her saying dont move or I'll kill you. Grandma simply said if it'll make you feel better go ahead but I'm calling 911 for my husband. She fired the gun but the gun jammed. The other girl Kelsi was trying to load her other gun but she was putting the wrong shell into the gun. (God is sooooo amazing!!!!!)I know God was with them last night. My grandpa always sleeps on his side but he was sleeping on his back they said if he was on his side it would have hit his lung. We are all so very thankful that he is Okay. He spent most of the day in ICU because he was having trouble breathing. He was recently moved out of ICU onto the third floor.Please keep him in your prayers and my entire family as well.Ashley is 16 years old. Kelsi is 15. Kelsi's reason for doing this was she was tired of being in DHS custody. They are being charged with attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder (they had this planned before they even arrived for their visit). They will be considered adults so we hope justice will be served.My grandparents are Pastors and are so loving. This experience has made them reach the decision to no longer be foster parents.Please pray.. I am still in shock... I am off to bed I have only had four hours of sleep since this whole experience.

1 comment:

  1. I left a comment on the MJF site also. I am so sorry about this. But it is an act of God that your Grandfather is still alive! God is so good - even in this terrible situation.
