Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homemade Soap.

Okay I have been researching this for about a year now. I have decided I will not use Lye, due to the fact that it can be dangerous (and a little too difficult for my busy life). I will be using the Melt & Pour. I must say that I am very excited to begin. I soon hope that things will slow down with my life that I can make candles and aprons and I hope to sell these items on Etsy.
I am actually looking to buy a sewing machine. My mom took the sewing machine when she moved out. Hmm, I'm not sure where to get one or which one is the best. But my grandma is really into the whole sewing and crafts so I am sure she will help me.
As for the soap making, I'm looking for some really cute soap molds. I just can't seem to find any sites that offer them. So my search continues..

Anyways, I am off to bed now. I am working for the next nine days, ugh.



  1. Melissa - here through the MJF farmgirl connection. I am so sorry about your family situation. I know this has got to be really tough on you and your Dad. My sister is my best friend also, and I can't imagine loosing my Mom, best friend and sister in one fell swoop.
    I was homeschooled, also and graduated in 1999. I grew up in a small town with one stoplight also! tee hee.
    Well, I just want to encourage you not to let these circumstances steal your joy! Keep doing the things that make you happy.

  2. I forgot to tell you that my parents got divorced when I was younger, too. I was much younger than you - five - but my brothers were teenagers. It was really rough, but we got through it somehow.
