Saturday, May 29, 2010

Graduation and Moving out.

Drake is officially graduated now! Yay! We were suppose to be moving this weekend but unfortunantly Drake has Pneumonia and if he is not better by Sunday (tomorrow) then they will be putting him in the hospital. I have recently completed CNA and Home Health Classes, I take my test on Wednesday (June 2nd) at 9am. I hope I pass I'm so nervous!

I have also realized that we need to get a house, new jobs, and plan and pay for a wedding all within less than 5 months. Ugh, yes as you can expect I'm extremely stressed. On top of all this stress Drake was in the emergency room Wednesday morning, two days later (yesterday) he was taken to a different hospital and told he has pneumonia and fluid in his lungs the size of a fist. I need all the prayers I can get. I cannot take much more stress. Well, I'll update another time. Bye!
Drake and I on his Graduation night,
(he just took his gown off so he was a little sweaty lol.)

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